Importing 3D models into Oculus Home from Sketchfab

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a video about importing items from Sketchfab, a site that hosts 3D models people have created, into Oculus Home. I meant to put up a companion post to that video, but as sometimes happens I was busy, and so the post didn’t go up as quickly as I’d hoped. Luckily, I recently had a five-hour flight from the east coast with many delays due to weather, and was able to start writing it up, and now that I’m back home there’s some time (but not much) to power through and finish. If you just want to see the video, it’s at the end of this post and linked earlier in this paragraph.
For those not familiar, Oculus Home is a personal space, sort of like an apartment, that appears when you first boot up the Oculus Rift headset. For a long while, Oculus has provided a wide range of additional items you could use to decorate your space, everything from furniture to suits of armor to completely new environments such as a gothamesque city or outer space. Even with all of that, one of the main requests users had over at the Rift Suggestion Portal was to be able to create their own objects and import them into their virtual living space. Here’s a crappy picture of an earlier version of my Home, taken off YouTube from this article’s companion video.
(Side note: In the video I discuss the texture loading issues and choppy performance, however a Dash update released a week later fixed it all. No more issues!)
About a month ago, Oculus delivered. You can now import items created in some of the virtual modeling programs available on the platform such as Medium, as well as from website Sketchfab, and it is the latter that really opens up the possibilities. Because people can upload models created using any tool, there is a wide variety available, although be warned that as is the case with anything else, when the public can upload their own creations there are some that are of the NSFW variety. Also, some models must be bought, but there are many free ones as well.
Another nice thing about Sketchfab is that you can manipulate the objects in your browser before downloading, so you can get a very good idea how they will look in your 3D environments. It also holds developers to a standard to not cut corners on, say, the backs of things (which modelers will sometimes do if they know the object will be placed against a wall, for example – in fact, games simply don’t render what can’t be seen at both the object and world level!) and develop the whole thing completely. As with anything, quality varies, although I was, for the most part, very pleased with what the site offered. Also be aware that not all models are available for download, such as the notable ‘Old Truck and Gas Pumps‘ and ‘The Pumpkin House‘ seen in the screenshot below, but most smaller, decoration-style models are.
Importing models is not an overly complicated process, however there is an issue with scaling. Many objects you will import will be far too big to fit in the space, and will need to be scaled down. Because Oculus does not allow for scaling within Home itself, a third party tool is needed to do the scaling and there’s no way to determine whether the object is properly scaled other than to import it and test it in the space. If it’s too big or too small, you’ll have to go through the process again. My hope is that Oculus will soon allow for scaling within the Home environment itself. Until then, we have to do it the hard way.
So, we will first find the object we wish to import, scale it, then import it.
In the video, I imported what looks like a file cabinet that would be found in post-apocalyptia (remember Three-Dog?) or a building from the zombie apocalypse. It adds a nice yet subtle, creepy flair.
I found the model by doing a search for free downloads, but you can find the specific one in the video by searching for “Rusty Metal Cabinet” or simply click here. I should mention that if you decide to do the search and see what else is available, ‘Cabinet’ is misspelled for this particular model on Sketchfab, but you’ll find it anyway.
Once you have found it, you can rotate it and view it from all angles right in your browser, and when you are ready to make it yours just click on the blue ‘Download’ link under the author’s name, right under the model itself.
Downloading is the big catch here: When the download dialog appears, you want to be sure to download the ‘Autoconverted format.’ That glTF format is an open-source method for the interchange of 3D models for use in applications other than those in which they were initially created. What that means is, the format can be exported to the format we need for importing into Oculus Home, while the ‘Original Format’ will be for the tool used to create the model itself, whether Blender or 3DSMax, or whatever, and that’s not what we want.
Once downloaded, export the zipped file so you have the folder with associated files inside it. I use 7-zip, which for me is the easiest, provides the most control and options, and integrates nicely into the context menu. Their website, however, leaves much to be desired. However you extract it, once you have the resulting folder, open it up so you can see the ‘Textures’ folder, along with ‘Scene.bin’ and ‘Scene.gltf.’ Then, bring up and drag all three of those onto the page: The folder, and the two Scene files. You don’t have to do anything else, it will automatically convert then download a file called ‘glb.out’ that has all you need. Because it generates an .out file, we know it’s a binary compaction of the original files and folders into a single file.
It couldn’t be easier. Seriously, this is the whole page, and if converting to GLB there’s nothing to do!
Of course, that easy step shouldn’t lull you into a false sense of complacency, because now it gets cumbersome. You should have, in your Documents folder, an Oculus Home folder, then an ‘_Import’ folder, and you can make the _Import folder if it’s not there, but don’t forget the underscore! Rename your ‘glb.out’ folder to something that makes sense, for example in the video I renamed it to ‘RustyMetalCabinet,’ and drag it into the ‘_Import’ folder.
For now, that’s it! Go into home, check in the ‘My Imports’ tab of your inventory, and you will see it there just as you named it. Bring it into home, and…it will likely be way, WAY too big. And that means it’s scaling time, which is easily the most tedious part of the process; all you can do is scale it, hope it’s right, then re-import it back into Home. If it still isn’t the right size, you’ll need to do it again. Come on Oculus, let us scale in Home!
Anyway, to scale the object, you’ll need to bring up the site, drag your .out file onto it, then scale by clicking and sliding your mouse over the ‘Scale; numbers on the right-hand side, as you can see in the video and image below, then selecting ‘Export .GLB’ from the file menu. The problem is, there’s no real way to know how the thing scales regarding your particular Home: It could be too big, too small, all you can do is re-import it and check it, then do the scaling over again if it doesn’t fit. For example, I ended making a teensy file cabinet before I got the size right. I kept it anyway, though; it was neat, in it’s way.
Then, once you have found your scale, you’re all set! Another neat thing about doing this is that when imported models load into your home on startup, the do this futuristic materialization, like they’re being 3D-printed by light, into existence. It’s a really nifty effect.
So there you go! Have fun, there is a huge number of models to choose from, the recent Oculus update has fixed most of the performance issues, so the possibilities are almost endless! If we can just get scaling, perhaps even direct import, the icing will be on the cake, but until then, it’s still pretty fun.
Here’s the video: