It’s time for me to say farewell

As you may or may not know, after having taught at Nevada State for four years, and UNLV for nine years before that, I have accepted a position at the University of California, Irvine in their Informatics department, in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, which should be quite challenging and fun.
This blog,, has been a lot fun to develop, maintain and author for, however its future is now up in the air. After all the time I have put in to developing it, and the personal affinity I have for it, I would be loathe to shut it down, so I will have to take some time and consider what to do with it. I may re-purpose it for my new endeavors at UCI, or simply continue it as a general tech blog (perhaps even with some contributors if I could find a few), or if it became too much or ended up neglected, I suppose I could give it a dignified, respectful death.
Whatever happens to this site, my time at Nevada State, my time at UNLV, and my time in Las Vegas has been glorious, an adventure for the ages, and I’m a better person because of it. I will always have ties to this area, I am keeping my house here, and I will be checking in to make sure my town is still doing ok.
Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the thousands of students who have passed through my classes and all the friends I have made, it has been a privilege to know you all, to teach at these wonderful institutions, and I am looking forward to the the next chapter.
And remember: Go out in to the world, do good, and be good.
My best regards to you all.