About This Site

This blog was originally developed to support IS301, the Information Systems Management class at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Nevada State College. It was a class that I enjoyed greatly and remember fondly, and the role of this site was to provide students and other visitors with varying aspects and presentations of the applications and impacts of technology, from the mildly interesting to the hypertechnical and everything in between; a real cross section of the effects and infiltration of technology into all our lives.
Now, however, it is simply knows as IS301, a title that carries no inherent meaning yet at the same time has a nice ring to it, at least in my opinion, as well as a tinge of sentimentality. Perhaps if this ‘About’ page wasn’t here, it could even be the source of debate as to its true meaning. Either way, I maintained this site for many years, built it up from nothing and couldn’t bring myself to let it die when I moved on to greener pastures; I had put too much time into it and have too many fond memories associated with it to leave it abandoned like that poor lamp.
In its original incarnation, the site was, and in some ways still is, not meant to be overly technical, although it does occasionally veer that direction. Rather, it is meant to give an overview of the myriad of ways that technology permeates and influences every aspect of our lives, our societies, our businesses, our interactions, and everything else that we do. That it is the strange circumstance indeed in which you find yourself not interacting with or being influenced by some form of technology.
That being said, as it is no longer associated with any third party, I am hoping to expand to some other topics, although never straying too far from the site’s original intent. To wit: I also have interests such as music, film, and gaming, and I have slowly begun to dip my toe into those waters as well if I feel they are relevant to the original mission of the site. Additionally, now that I am part of the Informatics Department here at UCI, which studies technology from a myriad of angles including the social, Anthropological, technical, even design and gaming to name just a few, everything is fair game here, whether directly related to technology or only tangentially relevant; it has really allowed the scope of the site to expand. Hopefully everyone who visits will find it informative, and fun!