The 191 Spring student showcase

So what have I been doing since my last post? Well I’ll tell you.
I taught a 2-quarter capstone course, 191, in which students formed groups and were partnered with a sponsor company or organization that needed something technical done. For the next twenty weeks, the groups would meet both with each other and their partner companies, strategize, hash out details, technical specs, scope, time, and everything else involved in a project.
I should also say they did fantastic work. From a project that streams live data from sensors attached to industrial equipment through the cloud to a mobile app, to a project creating a VR marketplace, to a project that connects isolated seniors with volunteers, and many others, they all did outstanding work. I told them many times how impressed I was with their progress and how proud I was of their overcoming challenges and obstacles to create great projects, and I meant it. Here are the teams and what they did (Obviously I’m leaving out individual names, but they know who they are!):
Team Nerv developed an Android app that can monitor inflight data from in-service aircraft.
Team Nucleus developed a marketplace where VR content creators can be matched with those who need content developed
Best Team Ever used Microsoft’s Azure IoT infrastructure to stream data from industrial sensors in real-time to an app that allowed for real-time maintenance monitoring
Clutch Idea developed a streaming service that streamed Steam games from an owner’s library to a MAC so they can play on any platform
Time for Children developed an app that can aid in diagnosing developmental speech disorders in children
Reality of Greatness developed a website that pairs volunteers with seniors who are isolated and/or lack family or social support, and who are at risk for abuse and neglect.
Computing Coherency developed a web-based IDE specifically for use in educational environments that will help teach kids to code.
At the end of the second quarter, there is a big showcase event attended by faculty, industry, sponsors, and of course the students themselves, in which they give a presentation and after the presentations are done they get to show off the projects they developed over the previous two quarters. It’s a ton of work, for all involved, but the showcase went off with (almost) out a hitch. I’m so proud of them and the work they did that I thought I would present some pictures our photographer took of the event. It was a lot of fun, and it was very fulfilling to see the groups finally get to show off their hard work. There are a lot of pictures but I didn’t want to shortchange anyone.
Also, I know some of the pictures are sideways. It’s the miracle of technology!
- Hadar Ziv
- Hadar Ziv
- Hadar Ziv
- Andre Van der Hoek, Chair of ICS
- Andre Van der Hoek, Chair of ICS
- Hadar Ziv