Tag Archives: Scary

Scary Stuff for Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Here are some fun scary things to do online, or to download, or to have fun with or interact with or to wonder why.  It turns out the Internet can be scary, but in the fun way, not the stolen identity or I’ve-got-a-virus way. Who knew? And let’s be honest, everyone likes to be scared, right? We all love it.

With that in mind, here is a list of seven fun, scary, strange things to do online for Halloween. Oh who am I kidding – anytime.

1. Surprisingly fun and tense scary mobile game: Into the Dead

Into the Dead by TikTok

Into the Dead by TikTok

Does that screenshot look like things are going to end well? No. No it doesn’t. That’s a shot from Into the Dead, a surprisingly entertaining endless runner-type mobile title from PikPok that has you regaining consciousness after a helicopter crash to find yourself surrounded by zombies. You start running automatically, and you just have to tilt your device right or left to avoid running headfirst into something that considers you to be an entree. Occasionally you’ll have a gun. I’m not a big fan of mobile gaming, but this one is easy to control, moody, atmospheric, and tense. For iOS, Android, and Windows/Windows Phone platforms. Also available on Amazon.

Finally, technology put to good use

Halloween is coming soon, and as you can imagine props the you can by at the local Spirit Halloween store become more and more sophisticated every year. I have a few that decorate my house all year long, and as the holiday gets closer we’ll talk a little more about scary technology, both actually scary as well as the stuff used for entertainment.

I made my first pilgrimage to the Halloween store this weekend, and as usual there is a fun selection of animated and battery-powered props – everything from the pretty scary to the, well, not so much.

Although I thoroughly enjoy walking through there, I am mostly intrigued  by something they introduced last year; a series of DVDs that can be used in conjunction with a projector and a well-prepared window to project some Haunted Mansion-quality effects for visitors or decoration.

I took a 2-minute video of the display they had in the store (this particular store is in the Best Buy center at the intersection of Marks and Sunset), and surprisingly no one told me to stop. I guess they don’t care of you film or not. Here’s the video, and afterwards I’ll talk a little about data projectors and why you have to be sure to use an appropriate one if you want to try this at home.