Tag Archives: LaserDisc

Star Wars saga available for digital download

For the first time ever, the Star Wars movies have been made available for digital download. Until now, Star Wars was The Beatles (or AC/DC, if you prefer) of movies, not available for digital download anywhere. New co-owners Disney and Fox have made the movies downloadable through the expected channels including iTunes and Amazon.

To be fair, these are the (in my opinion) abominations that have additional CGI incorporated by George Lucas, and not the original footage that until now have only been available on LaserDisc. Although I’m not one of those hardcore Star Wars fanatics, I do think the movies are masterworks and the originals should be available, regardless of who you think shot first. The picture below hurts every time I see it, never mind the scene itself.



Either way, I’m hoping Disney releases the original movies as their original theatrical release without all the added computer graphics.