Tag Archives: Fair Use

Those of you who were following this blog in the fall 2014 semester may remember that when I uploaded an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force to YouTube over the Thanksgiving break, I was immediately notified by YouTube and Cartoon Network that the video had been taken down, that I had committed a copyright violation, was threatened with a lawsuit six different times, had to attend ‘copyright school,’ and had severe restrictions placed on the account, restrictions that would all but negate its utility as a pedagogical tool. If you’d like to be brought up to speed, you can read my original post complete with fully-documented screenshots about the ordeal at this link. It’s scary stuff, worth a read.
I was given only 200 characters in which to submit my rebuttal, which I did to both YouTube *and* Cartoon Network (the owners of Aqua Teen Hunger Force), explaining the upload was covered by fair use doctrine, that it was for educational as well as entertainment value, and that it presented topics we discuss in class in a novel way that I felt would engage students. I indicated the video did not need to be reinstated, but the restrictions should be lifted as they were unreasonably punitive.
A few weeks went by, I didn’t hear anything, so I resubmitted my appeal and indicated I would escalate (meaning consider legal action) if I didn’t get a response.
Well guess what! I just received an email from YouTube that states the following:
New YouTube Copyright Counter Notification
Fri 1/9/2015 6:06 PMTo:
Darren Denenberg;Hello,In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we’ve completed processing your counter-notification regarding these video(s):
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOARq9kIwPM
This content has been restored unless you have deleted the video(s). Your account will not be penalized.
The YouTube Legal Support Team
Not bad! A victory for the little guy, and vindication of my intent and purpose for uploading the video in the first place. Now, to upload Star Wars in its entirety.
I kid, I kid. (Or do I?)