Tag Archives: Cheetah

A brief comment about affect, technology, and the Uncanny Valley

By ‘brief,’ I apparently meant ‘very long.’

While researching another post recently, I came across several articles describing some research going on at MIT as “creepy.” There’s this one from Wired that discusses MIT’s research into probabilistic code, which reduces code by offloading the process of writing algorithms to a set of pre-written general algorithms. It’s described as creepy because it shows how this reduced code an still derive 3-D modeled faces from 2-D images.

3-D faces from 2-D images (source: MIT)

3-D faces from 2-D images (source: MIT)

Impressive, and not terribly off-putting to me, although I can understand how some might skip the amazing development of the code structure in the first place and jump right to creepy.