Tag Archives: Calendar
Thank you Outlook Calendar!

Since Thanksgiving is only two days away, I would normally be writing some interesting and tech-oriented post about some turkey-themed technology or technology we’re thankful for (or not). However this year I thought I would instead briefly mention a curious notation on my Outlook Calendar. It’s not a huge thing, or a bad thing, just…curious.
It properly labels November 24th as Thanksgiving Day. However it labels November 25th as the Day After Thanksgiving Day. How strange. Do we not know that? It doesn’t label the 26th as the Day after Christmas Day, or July 5th as the Day After the Fourth. The strangest thing of all is that November 25th does actually have a colloquial name associated with it: Black Friday. The ‘Day After Thanksgiving Day’ just seems so matter-of-fact and odd to me, I’m having trouble processing its purpose!
Maybe I’m just reading too much into it. Or maybe Microsoft is playing the best prank ever. I don’t know. Where’s my turkey?