Becoming a designer

Boy, it’s been a while. An oxymoronic combination of being lazy and busy, I guess. Anyway, for this post I wanted to talk about design. It’s a topic that comes up a More »

Support for Windows 7 ends today

It is a sad day, as Microsoft is officially ending updates and security patches for Windows 7, the popular OS still being used by a large majority of PCs. Windows 7’s popularity More »

Returning Home: World of Warcraft Classic Comes Online

On August 26th, fans of the original World of Warcraft (henceforth referred to as WoW), and those who are just curious to see what all the hubbub is about, were finally able More »

The Lawnmower Man, and Vintage CGI

Inspired by a couple of Reddit forums to which I am subscribed, VintagePixelArt and VintageCGI, and being a fan of all things historical as it pertains to technology, I uploaded to the More »

Jony Ive leaves Apple

As someone who teaches extensively about design as it intersects with technology, and is also a computer and technology historian, I am conflicted about Jonathan (Jony) Ive leaving Apple. Mainly because he’s More »


Warhol art found on Amiga disks

Andy Warhol and Debbie Harry

(Something has gone horribly wrong with the layout of this post, I am working on a fix right now, although it’s an interesting thing to look at). Yes, that header image is of Andy Warhol and Debbie Harry (AKA Blondie); they will integrate into the story in a moment.

One of the most groundbreaking PCs ever created turned 30 years old last week, and Ars Technica has an absolutely fascinating eight-part series on the machine, its development, and its impact on technology.

Digital art from your mouse

See the image up above? That interesting piece of art is actually the result of a tiny program, IOGraph, that tracks mouse movements and converts them into a graphic visualization. Just download it, double-click the program icon and let it run in the background, no install necessary. The above graphic is from one day of computer use on my laptop, with the lines being mouse movements and the circles indicating when the mouse was at rest and for how long. I don’t think the colors are relevant but I’m not certain. You can make your own digital art, and the resulting images – which are titled with how long you used the program – are in HD resolution (1920 x 1080) which is usually large enough to use as wallpaper.

Uh, Hm. Well…

I’m not even sure what to say about the you-know-what-storm that could happen from this. It turns out that Ashley Madison, a site set up for people who are looking to have an affair, has been hacked and 37 million(!) names, credit card details, emails, even…well let’s just say people can upload not-suitable-for-public photos, and narratives about what they are looking for that should probably never see the light of day, have all been stolen. Irony on top of irony for a website that claims it is 100 percent secure; something we will learn in class is impossible.

Firefox, a nifty trick, and alternative browsers

I usually post this exact article after a discussion of memory and memory leaks, especially the one that plagued (although doesn’t any more) FireFox.

Last week in class we talked about the nasty memory leak that has plagued the Firefox browser for years. We learned that ‘memory leak’ is a misnomer because it happens when a program doesn’t release the memory it was using when you close it down. It’s because of that that I moved to what I felt has been the best browser for a long time, Opera. You can read all about the browser in this post I made a long time ago. I was also a fan of the Pale Moon browser, which is the Firefox browser only without the developer tools and therefore without the resultant memory leaks.

Microsoft releases free, cloud-based anti-child pornography tool


One of the most insidious, vile crimes that could be committed is one against a child. Unfortunately, the Internet serves as a breeding ground for those who would do harm to them, and what’s described in the title is about as sick as it be.

With the millions of pictures uploaded to sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and all the others, how can those services and others ensure that nothing of the sort is posted to their servers? How do they maintain their reputation and their quality while still allowing freedom and flexibility in what people upload without violating laws or human decency?

So Netflix seems to be doing OK

I don’t know how many of you remember this, but a few years ago there was a big debacle when Netflix wanted to separate out its streaming and disc delivery services, and to be fair the Qwikster name by which it would do so was a bad choice. It barely worked for SpongeBob, it would never work for Netflix.

You see, what happened was, Netflix allowed for people to have an account that included both delivering DVDs and streaming, however they wanted to split those services into two separate things. That’s completely understandable, however clumsy name aside, it would also require re-registering two accounts with them and include a price hike as well.


Of all the annoyances of using PCs, both Windows-based and Mac, the one that drives me the most insane is dealing with Adobe’s Flash. Flash is the platform that allows everything from video to banner ads to display embedded in a webpage, so if you’ve ever had a video start playing, or a banner ad proclaiming “Swat the fly and win an iPad!” or vicious, malicious software installed on your PC, well, you have Flash to thank for that. 

New logos for Microsoft Edge and Logitech

Edge logo

Both of which are bad. In case you haven’t guessed, this will be dripping with my opinion. I always say I don’t inject opinion into these posts, and then this happens. Feel free to disagree in the comments!

As you may know, in the upcoming release of Windows 10, Internet Explorer is being replaced with Microsoft’s Edge browser. That brings many changes including the end of support for Silverlight, and a completely redone rendering engine that hopefully makes the browser very lightweight, and…a new logo.

As you may know, I have been beta-testing Windows 10 on the fast-track, using a virtual machine on a Mac. I know that sounds like a lot, but the first linked post will tell you all about it.

Games are big money, just ask this guy


First it was the fact that the most successful popular entertainment releases of all time are games, with the Call of Duty franchise leading the charge, again and again and again. Then it was the growing popularity of what some refer to as eSports, or professional gaming, with a prize pool of $11 million and school-sponsored teams. More recently, it was the news that Marcus “Notch” Persson, the creator of Minecraft, sold his company Mojang to Microsoft for $2.5 billion, making him a billionaire overnight and allowing him to instantly buy the most expensive house in Beverly Hills. I’d have retired too!

Microsoft and Apple face harsh realities


It hasn’t been a good week for Microsoft or Apple, and difficult decisions will have to be made at both companies. I suspect Microsoft’s will be more difficult, but neither is off the hook.

First, Microsoft: Layoffs at the company are rare, with a one-time layoff of 5,000 employees back in 2009 the first major staff reduction the company had ever seen. With their renewed push into mobile, however, and the heavily-questioned acquisition of Finnish smartphone maker Nokia, as well as the appointment of new CEO Satya Nadella, layoffs are not as rare as they once were.