Uh, Hm. Well…

I’m not even sure what to say about the you-know-what-storm that could happen from this. It turns out that Ashley Madison, a site set up for people who are looking to have an affair, has been hacked and 37 million(!) names, credit card details, emails, even…well let’s just say people can upload not-suitable-for-public photos, and narratives about what they are looking for that should probably never see the light of day, have all been stolen. Irony on top of irony for a website that claims it is 100 percent secure; something we will learn in class is impossible.
Apparently this is because the hackers are upset that while the site offers a ‘delete everything’ option for $19, even if you pay it it doesn’t delete anything as I suspect we’re all about to find out. You can read a pretty in-depth write-up about it on Ars technica.
I’m not going to judge (out loud, anyway, internally I’m judging every single one of them), however this could turn out very, very bad for millions of people, and very good for a lot of divorce lawyers. I’m sure many will be feeling some satisfactory Schadenfreude out of the whole thing. If I may inject my own opinion, the fact a site like this has 37 million members from all over the world is sad, and makes me wonder what is going on out there.
It sounds like we all need to remember the wise words of Stephen Stills.