They’re just upside-down flamingos

Or perhaps upside-down ice cream treats in the process of melting. No, there’s no way around it, no way to sugar coat it, they’re middle fingers.

That’s right, Windows 10 is the first to incorporate middle-finger emojis.

They’ve been in the Unicode standard since 2014, however companies have been understandably hesitant to include them in their apps. The standard, incidentally, allows among other things, for new emoji symbols to be included in the ecosystem.

For now, only Microsoft has them included, and you can only use them in their new Edge browser, and only then if you copy and paste them, so their implementation is severely limited. I expect that will change in the near future, since based on comment sections from news sites and YouTube, many people could just post the finger instead and make essentially the same comment. Plus, we already have this, how much worse can a middle finger be?

If you’re interested in some of the other new additions as well as changes, you can take a look at the Windows 10 emoji changelog at Emojipedia (yes, there is such a thing).