Welcome to IS301, and IS301.com for Summer Session 2!

Welcome to IS301 at NSC during Summer Session 2, and to is301.com! As you may have read in the syllabus, this is the companion site to the IS 301 class offered at Nevada State College. On this site I will make posts that supplement the topics we talk about in class and provide additional topics of interest.

That being said, the posts don’t necessarily mirror the topics we cover, although on occasion they might; rather they are meant to introduce additional topics of relevance to technology. They may cover robotics, social media, marketing, input methods, standards, lasers, military, virtual reality, the Retroencabulator, random links, or anything else that strikes me as relevant or even mildly interesting. The posts may be simply news, informing you of a new development, or they may be reviews, opinion, videos, examples, or a mix of all that and more. They will be peppered with links that provide additional information, as well as images, videos, and other media that add to the (hopefully) informative nature of the post.

Participation by students is required on this blog in the form of comments. Specifically, two comments per week, two points each, for a maximum of four points possible per week. That may not sound like much, but in the summer sessions it adds up to twenty-four points total which can make or break a grade, so I implore everyone to not take it lightly.

You will need to register with WordPress, the blogging platform I use for this site, in order to make comments on this site, although you can also log in using several social media accounts. I’m not sure why you would want to do that, but you can. Instructions for signing up and for making comments can be found at the top of each page under the “How To Sign Up” link, circled in the image below.

How to sign up

I’m also considering letting students make their own blog posts either as part of the class, or as an extra credit opportunity, although I haven’t yet decided.

I encourage everyone to take a look around, see the types of posts that get made, and register for your account. You can use this post as a testbed for making comments to check your registration and make sure it works, make sure you’re able to comment; random comments on this post are welcome!

If you have any questions, if something goes wrong with signing up, if any clarification is needed or I’ve left something out, you can leave a comment on this post or you can contact me via Canvas. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in class, and on the site!