Play the world’s largest PacMan game

UPDATE: Many thanks to Ivan who pointed out that I hadn’t actually linked to the game itself in my narrative! That has been fixed, and while making that change I also realized it’s actually called “The World’s *Biggest* Pac Man Game,” not largest. Either way, it’s still a blast.
You know you love PacMan, the game that, when released in 1980, was considered the first uniquely identifiable game character, was the first game to appeal in large numbers to women, was the first to show non-violent games could be successful, and became so popular it earned $1 billion IN QUARTERS in a decade.
There are countless remakes of PacMan, but I am going to introduce to you to what I think is the best of the unlicensed versions: It’s the world’s largest PacMan game, playable through a browser, and the way it works is that people actually create their own mazes that then all interlock to form one huge game. You can choose any of the mazes to start, then going through one of the passages on the side of the screen will move to an adjoining maze. It’s hard to explain, but easy to get into, and you can even create your own maze and add it to the collection! Just be careful; this is a massive collection of PacMan mazes, but it only took one small maze used as a Google Doodle to cause a national productivity drop for one day.
If you need an idea of how it looks, here is a video of me running through a couple of mazes. Don’t skip class because of it!