A very brief post about CAPTCHAs
I don’t know if anyone is still hanging around, and I don’t want to start off the break by writing some long technical post, so I’m just going to mention that I found it strange after talking about CAPTCHAs a class ago I happened to come across not one but two different CAPTCHA related pictures. I thought they were pretty amusing, however I’m low-maintenance that way. Your mileage may vary.
The first is a very detailed and well-illustrated cartoon about the odd pairings of words CAPTCHAs often present. It was after reading it that I came to the realization that I laugh at the stupidest things:
The next image is what has to be the most unfortunate word-pairing ever made in a CAPTCHA (Actually, this one is a lot worse, but I just couldn’t bring myself to post it as an image). Word pairings are random, however that also means you get these unintentionally amusing phrases. I got a huge yuk out of this one too, but at least it’s readable!