Year-old sad news, and amazing progress

I had another post written for today, but I’ll post it tomorrow as this definitely overrides digging up Atari cartridges from a landfill.

Just two days ago I posted a video from 60 minutes regarding research being done by scientists, one of which was Dr. Scott Mackler and his Brain Computer Interface, that allows people to interact with a computer system using only their thoughts. I’ve been showing that video for a while, and I’m equally amazed every time I see it.

In a comment on that story was a link (credit to Jennifer), and in following her link which is in the next paragraph, I learned that Dr. Mackler died last year. I didn’t know that, and while I am grateful for the link I’m at the same time incredibly sad that a pioneer in such a forward-looking technology will no longer be able to contribute to its development.

If you haven’t seen the segment from my previous post, I strongly encourage you to watch it here, and the follow-up video that was also included in her response, as well as in a eulogy by one of the producers of that 60 Minutes segment. That video is below. It’s an absolutely astounding, unbelievable glimpse into the future, and an idea of where this technology is heading, and quickly. To be honest, watching it gave me chills and almost moved me to tears, seeing people who have lost control of their bodies and lost limbs to disease moving these prosthetic limbs with their thoughts. Just incredible.