An almost new blog layout

(If all has gone right this post is sticky, and new posts will appear underneath it. WordPress is funny about it though, so be sure to check for new posts below even though this remains the top one.)

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was thinking about revamping the layout of the blog, the page you are reading right now, to make it what I hope will be better organized, more professional, more dynamic, and, to use a popular web metric, more sticky.

UPDATE: This post is no longer sticky

Unfortunately, I’m not able to upload a test version of the site to give you all hands on experience, so the next best thing I can do is make a video of the site running on a virtual server I have at home and letting you take a look at that instead. Many of the points I make here are reiterated in the video itself.

The video is below, and I walk you through the new appearance. I would implore all of you to take a look and let me know your feedback on the layout. I have shown it to a couple of you already, and the feedback was positive, however I’d like to hear from as many of you as possible before I make any significant changes. If you prefer the current site or prefer the new one, or there are advantages to both, or you’re used to the current layout and don’t want to adapt in the middle of the semester, or you hate the current layout, whatever you think, your opinion is important. You can comment here on the blog, or via email, you can even offer your thoughts before or after class – any of those options is fine. If I don’t get a lot of feedback, or no one cares, then I’ll have to make a unilateral decision and I don’t want to do that; this site is for you and I’d like it to reflect your expectations.

Something to keep in mind while viewing: The functionality and content of the site is exactly the same as the current site. The Twitter feed is still there, the menus are still there, the recent posts are still there, everything is exactly the same except for the layout. Also, the video is HD, but it doesn’t automatically play in HD, so once it starts playing click the little gear in the lower-right corner of the player and select ‘720p.’

The video is embedded below, please let me know your thoughts whether positive or negative, any suggestions or feedback is more than welcome.