The Future of this site

Before I get to the post, I would like to offer a heartfelt thanks to everyone who provided such positive feedback about this blog during the session. It was wonderful to hear all you learned form the posts that were made and what you discovered. It was a risky (remember that?) switch from the tried and true Blogger platform, but I believe the WordPress platform offers more flexibility, administrative tools, and potential for the future. But I really do appreciate the overwhelmingly positive response.

Building on that, and as I mentioned briefly in class, now that class is for all intents and purposes done, I have been asked by several of you if the blog will stay up after Friday. It certainly will, you are all more than welcome to continue to visit and comment if you so wish and I will continue to make posts that you (hopefully) find as interesting and relevant as any of the ones made during the session. I will also try to provide more in-depth how-to’s based on some questions I was asked over the session, and if you have anything you’d like to see or know more abut please be sure to ask. Many students both new and old still ask me questions and I’m happy to respond. If it warrants a post, I’ll put one up.

I will also, at some point in the hopefully near future, move the entire thing over to its own domain. I have already registered, and while there is nothing there yet, by making the move I intend to add additional interactive and social features making the site more dynamic and inclusive. I’m excited about it and we’ll see how it goes.

I’ll be making a few more posts this week so you have a chance to get any comments in, and thanks again for a great session.