So here’s what happened

Well, it has been a harrowing few days with some sleepless nights. Unfortunately, the new site is still not responding and I have been getting the run around form the webhost, Here’s where it all stands:

I was able to create the site quite easily, however the next day when I announced it was live, it started responding very slowly, or not at all as seen in the screenshot below:



I contacted them, and told them what was happening, and asked them to look into it. They claimed it was being cause by a plugin (that they installed, might I add) known as Mojo Marketplace, which offers themes and whatnot, things I don’t need. They told me to deactivate it, and they also claimed they had increased the level of memory my account was able to access:

Screenshot (210) I told them that did absolutely nothing, and then suddenly it’s not Mojo Marketplace, but ‘an issue’ that they never actually state they are attempting to fix.

Screenshot (211)I believe this is BS. First off, if this was the case they would have said that the first time and not told me it was Mojo Marketplace. Secondly, they are being very generic and not communicating any specifics about the nature of the problem. Third, whatever the problem is, there is absolutely no reason it should take a week to be remedied. I told them all of this in an email and demanded they refund my money and cancel the service. It was only $49, but it’s a matter of principle!

What did I get in response?

Screenshot (212)You know, I don’t think they’re listening to me. Actually, they’re now just giving me the runaround.

I’m disappointed. I based my choice of on references and recommendation and it turned out to be very bad indeed. I had many great features installed as you saw in the previous post, and the worst part is I can’t transfer the domain to a new host for 60 days! That is mid-October and well in to the new school year.

Even so, in attempting to contest the charge with my bank, it turns out they withdrew the charge or never charged me in the first place. I have set the domain to transfer on that date in October to GoDaddy (I really didn’t want to use them either, but at least they’re reliable), however could even give me trouble then; they could refuse to release the domain or keep it locked like a jealous ex in a divorce. I can unlock it manually, but I hope it doesn’t come to that.

So we’ll see where it goes. I’ll fall back to this site and continue making posts here in the meantime, however if they actually follow through and get the site to become responsive again I’ll post the exact same welcome post one more time. If not, the new site will come online in October, and can buy me Bonestorm or go to hell!