If Google was a guy

Ok, here’s the deal: Since it’s the weekend, I’m going to post a video sent to me by one of your classmates, but I won’t single him out. Let’s just call him…Kevin. Kevin C. Anyway, he sent me an entertaining video with questionable content, a badly misworded title, and a relevancy to my earlier post about browsers.

Titled “If Google Were A Guy,” and offering no description, it shows what the experience would be like if instead of a search engine Google were actually a person, and people were asking him the same questions they type. This is also my problem with the title: It sounds like the video wants to parody the stereotypical womanizing beer-guzzling fairly dumb dudebro. You know, type in “Hawaii” and Google would say “DUDE! I was totally surfin’ there last year! Tons of babes, totally awesome place dude, you should totally go!” Then put up a picture of this guy.

But it’s not that. It’s just saying what if instead of typing searches into a search engine, you had to verbalize those searches to a real person sitting in front of you. “If Google were a real person” would have been better.

Anyway, I digress. The video is below but BE WARNED: It contains some mild NSFW content (if you’re unfamiliar with the acronym, please click here for a rundown), and a little profanity. Don’t watch it in the company of, well, anyone really. Here it is!